Apa Itu Formula MSG 3 Lite ?

Formula MSG 3 Lite merupakan formula aktivator penguraian limbah menjadi kompos dalam waktu singkat dengan kemasan mini. Formula MSG 3 diproduksi oleh Maulana Says Green 3 yang bertempat di Brebes-Jawa Tengah. Satu paket produk Formula MSG 3 Lite terdiri dari 10 gram aktivator dan 10 gram suplemen. Untuk pembuatan cairan formulanya sendiri harus dicampur dengan 400 L air kapur. Formula MSG 3 ditemukan sejak tahun 2009 oleh bapak Triyono Heri Susanto hingga saat ini terus dikembangkan mutu dan kualitasnya supaya mampu memenuhi kebutuhan para pelaku agribisnis Indonesia.


Kegunaan Formula MSG 3 Lite

Komposisi Formula MSG 3 Lite

Bakteri Lactobacillus sp
Photosynthetic Bacteria 15%
Bakteri Streptomycetes sp
Bakteri Actinomycetes sp
Suplemen Bakteri
other ingredients

One Package of Formula MSG 3 Consists of

Cara Pembuatan Cairan Formula MSG 3 Lite

Cara Penggunaan Cairan Formula MSG 3 Lite

  1. Livestock manure is spread over the field with a thickness of 10cm
  2. Put the Formula MSG 3 liquid into the gembor or other sprayer
  3. Spray or sprinkle the formula MSG 3 liquid evenly
  4. Sunbathe for about 2-3 hours until dry
  5. When it is dry, turn the manure over and spray again
  6. Repeat steps 3-5 until the media changes color and the smell is gone
  7. If the manufacturing process is from morning to evening, the sun is hot, then in one day the compost is ready and can be packed in sacks
  1. Spray Formula MSG 3 liquid on the fly nesting sites
  2. Shut up for a few hours for the formula to react
  3. Spray again if the pungent smell is still felt and the flies are still there
  4. Repeat for 2 days
  5. Slowly the pungent smell will disappear and the flies will go away

The straw that will be composted is first decomposed by soaking it in water for 2 weeks in the rice fields or for animal feed and after it becomes manure it can then be composted.

    1. The rotten straw is placed on the field
    2. Spray the straw with Formula MSG 3 liquid evenly
    3. Dry for 2-3 hours (if it rains, cover with tarpaulin)
    4. Repeat steps 2-4 until the straw turns brown.
    5. Ulangi langkah 2-4 sampai jerami berubah warna coklat.
  1. Use organic waste
  2. Destroy organic waste using a crusher
  3. Once smooth, dry the waste in the field with a thickness of 10cm
  4. Spray the garbage with Formula MSG 3 liquid evenly
  5. Dry for 2-3 hours (if it rains, cover with tarpaulin)
  6. After drying, turn the trash over then spray it again and let it dry
  7. Repeat steps 2-4 until the organic waste turns brown. 

Brosur Formula MSG 3 Lite


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