What is Formula MSG 3?
Formula MSG 3 is the first bacterial activator in Indonesia that is capable of carrying out the compost fermentation process in a short time, namely 1-2 days. Bacteria from Formula MSG 3 were discovered by Triyono Heri Susanto from Brebes - Central Java. Formula MSG 3 consists of activator bacteria and supplements, the activator bacteria contained in Formula MSG 3 are aerobic bacteria, therefore the manufacturing process must be exposed to sunlight and air to speed up the composting process. The supplements contained in Formula MSG 3 are food ingredients for these bacteria so they can carry out the fermentation process. In addition to these two main ingredients, agricultural lime is also needed as a living medium for the MSG 3 bacteria.
Use of MSG Formula 3
- 1. For processing livestock waste, agricultural waste, plantation waste & garbage into compost within 1-2 days
- Sterilization of livestock pens, fish ponds, waste storage areas etc
- To break the life cycle of flies and drive away flies
- 4. For processing organic waste so it doesn't smell and can be used directly as compost
Formula MSG 3 Composition
Bakteri Lactobacillus sp
Photosynthetic Bacteria 15%
Bakteri Streptomycetes sp
Bakteri Actinomycetes sp
Suplemen Bakteri
other ingredients
Formula MSG 3 Composition
Bakteri Lactobacillus sp
Photosynthetic Bacteria 15%
Bakteri Streptomycetes sp
Bakteri Actinomycetes sp
Suplemen Bakteri
other ingredients
One Package of Formula MSG 3 Consists of
- 50 grams Formula MSG 3 Activator
- 50 gram Formula MSG 3 Supplement
- Brochure on how to use Formula MSG 3
- One package of Formula MSG 3 for the production of 2000 kg of compost
How to make Formula MSG 3 Liquid
Materials and Equipment
Cara Pembuatan
Materials and Equipment
Equipment : Drum and stirrer
50 gram lactobio msg 3
50gram laktobio msg 3
50 grams of MSG supplements 3
2,5 kg kapur pertanian/dolomit
Cara Pembuatan
- Put 2.5 kg of dolomite lime into a 200 L capacity drum and soak it with 200 L of water, wait until the lime settles
- Separate the lime deposits from the water soaked in the lime.
- Put 50 grams of lactobio and 50 grams of supplements into the dolomitic lime water
- Stir until smooth and the Formula MSG 3 liquid is ready to use.
How to use Formula MSG 3 Liquid
- Kotoran ternak diratakan diatas tanah lapang dengan ketebalan 10 cm
- Masukan Cairain Formula MSG3 ke gembor atau alat penyemprot lainnya
- Semprotkan atau siramkan cairan Formula MSG3 secara merata
- Jemur sekitar 2 -3 jam sampai kering
- Apabila sudah kering balik kotoran ternak dan semprot kembali
- Repeat steps 3-5 until the media changes color and the smell is gone
- If the manufacturing process is from morning to evening, the sun is hot, then in one day the compost is ready and can be packed in sacks
- Spray Formula MSG 3 liquid on the fly nesting sites
- Shut up for a few hours for the formula to react
- Spray again if the pungent smell is still felt and the flies are still there
- Repeat for 2 days
- Slowly the pungent smell will disappear and the flies will go away
The straw that will be composted is first decomposed by soaking it in water for 2 weeks in the rice fields or for animal feed and after it becomes manure it can then be composted.
- The rotten straw is placed on the field
- Spray the straw with Formula MSG 3 liquid evenly
- Dry for 2-3 hours (if it rains, cover with tarpaulin)
- Repeat steps 2-4 until the straw turns brown.
- Ulangi langkah 2-4 sampai jerami berubah warna coklat.
- Use organic waste
- Destroy organic waste using a crusher
- Once smooth, dry the waste in the field with a thickness of 10cm
- Spray the garbage with Formula MSG 3 liquid evenly
- Dry for 2-3 hours (if it rains, cover with tarpaulin)
- After drying, turn the trash over then spray it again and let it dry
- Repeat steps 2-4 until the organic waste turns brown.